Costs and Prices

Water is life, there is no cost comparison

The cost of the borehole is based on a combination of factors, all of which originate in the geology of the site. This can be found initially by reference to a BGS [British Geological Survey] prognosis. This will provide us with the materials we will encounter at each level, the depth of each layer, if they are likely to contain water, will it be drinkable, contain excessive hardness or sulphates and the most suitable depth to find an acceptable water supply.

From this information we will supply you a Quotation for the work and discuss a timing schedule with you. When this has been agreed we will require a 20% deposit before commencing, the balance is payable upon completion.

Contact AQUADRILL today for a FREE no obligation estimate of the cost of your borehole based on our experience and detailed geological records.

Groundwater image AQUADRILL cost and prices

"If you pay more than £1000 a year for water - we can save you money"